California Lovin

California Lovin
How it all gets started...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Second Ultrasound

Hey friends,

Monday I woke up and said in great alarm to my husband, "I don't feel sick! I think something bad happened to our baby!" Tuesday I woke up and puked, so I was feeling better about the well-being of our baby, and Wednesday I woke up dizzy and vomiting, and was therefore, convinced I was still fully pregnant. I guess some days I just wake up and think I have spontaneously stopped being pregnant, and I get really nervous, but I don't think that happens too often, so I am trying to stop the irrational thinking. Don is awesome of course, he is confident no matter what I am going through. I tearfully tell him my concerns, and he takes my hand sweetly, looks into my eyes, and says, "I am confident our baby is doing just fine."

Being pregnant is a total trip. Most of the time, I find it hard to conceive the fact that I have a 29 millimeter baby living in my uterus. I mean seriously, the baby is the size of a kumquat, yet he or she has fully developed vital organs. How crazy is that?! My only link so far to the baby is the fact that my bladder has shrunk, my sweet tooth has disappeared, and my appetite has tripled. That and the occasional vomiting and not so occasional mood swing. I can't really feel the baby and my body looks the same, so I am finding it challenging to bond this early with the little rascal. I am really looking forward to the upcoming months where I will be able to feel movements and kicks, and hear the rapidly beating heart.

Don and I had our second ultrasound yesterday. I believe the baby has morphed from a seahorse to a peanut. Don was blown away to see his baby's first picture. We both started laughing. We again saw the flashing heart, and the doctor said things looked great. She also said her original due date of August 19 was dead on. I am hoping the baby will come on August 21, so that we can share a birthday.

I am going in two weeks to have some standard testing done for birth defects. Please keep us in your prayers!

With love,


  1. yeah! I'm so glad to hear that everything looks good! I will keep you in my prayers. Love you!

  2. irrational thinking is completely normal! You'll keep having those panic moments until the day you finally get to hold him/her in your arms. Everything sounds great! I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about, so just relax and much as you can when you feel like crap! Hopefully that goes away in the second trimester and you can enjoy the best stage of pregnancy. I'm guessing your having a girl...
