I had a check up today with Dr. Fisher and it looks as if I have put on four pounds since getting pregnant. I feel like I have gained ten pounds, but apparently I am at a meager four. She listened to the baby's heartbeat and said everything sounded great! I am going in for another checkup in four weeks, and on March 31, I am having my 20 week ultrasound...which means if Baby Speedie Number 3 is cooperating, we will find out the gender of our little one!
I am feeling really happy and blessed today. I have a pregnant friend here named Stacy who is eight weeks ahead of me. This is her first pregnancy too, and I have to say, it's wonderful having a friend to bounce symptoms/questions off of. I also have an amazing group of girlfriends all in their 20's who I love, including a girl named Danielle who always bends down to say hi to my belly, calls herself Auntie D, and has promised to spoil my baby rotten with junk food and processed food. She owns a catering business called The Sweet Touch, and makes the best baked goods ever. My baby is going to LOVE her.
Don and I celebrated his 33rd birthday on Monday with friends, cake and ice cream, and we had a grand time. He said it was his best birthday ever! I doubt that, but at least it was a really good one!!! He is being so supportive and loving, and pregnancy has been a wonderful time for us to share and reflect on many interesting topics. I am looking forward to parenting this little baby with him. What a blessed woman I am! Thank you God!
And you're an amazing wife!