California Lovin

California Lovin
How it all gets started...

Monday, March 8, 2010


The second trimester was going amazingly well until last week when I started getting migraines. I have basically had a migraine since Thursday of last week, with a few hours of reprieve here and there from day to day. I can't remember ever experiencing anything like this, but it is making it challenging for me to be as productive as I would like to be. I guess the headaches starting coming on last Sunday, but it wasn't until Thursday that I realized they weren't "normal" headaches. First of all, the headache won't go away. Secondly, I only get the headache on my left side, and the pain goes from my temple down onto my face and the back of my neck. Third, my vision in my left eye has been compromised, and fourth I have started vomiting from the pain. Anyway, I am going to the doctor next week, and in the meantime, any suggestions any of you have that don't include medication would be greatly appreciated. I am still thankful, still joyful, just lagging a bit from discomfort. Thanks for reading!


  1. Ugh. Migraines. Sorry to hear that Rachel! I guess I really do have it easy.

  2. We just found out that we will be moving April 1st! We found a new home and things are starting to unfold really fast. We will be having a gender/housewarming party coming up soon as we are able to find out the sex of the baby at that time!


  3. Ice packs and sleep. I've heard of this happening but all you can take is Tylenol as far as I know. So try to get lots of sleep and put an ice pack on your head. Massages help too!! I bet your hubby will spoil you with some! I'm so sorry! I hope the Dr can fix you right up!! Love Aunt D!
