California Lovin

California Lovin
How it all gets started...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Owen Eric Speedie

A name...FINALLY! It's true, we are naming him Owen after well nobody, we just thought it sounded cool, and Eric, after my grandpa Eric....who is the worlds GREATEST grandpa ever! I had a 30.5 week ultrasound a few days ago and little Owen is looking not quite so little anymore. He is about 3.5 lbs. and he has his head down and arms tucked like he is ready for take off. He is so big now that he doesn't really fit on the ultrasound image, so she gave me three photos of him, one of his spinal chord, one of his VERY large foot, and one of his hem hem, scrotum. So, yep, there you have it, he's definitely a he.

Don has been such a trooper these last few weeks. He has been spending weekends refinishing/painting nursery furniture. It's looking amazingly beautiful and I am once again reminded of how thankful I am that I married a man whom I find both handsome and handy. I promise to post pictures as soon as the whole thing is finished.

Besides some stiffness in my legs, I am feeling GREAT! Can you believe it? Tomorrow I will be 31 weeks pregnant and I feel amazing! A few weeks ago, when my brother in law was visiting, I felt terrible! Overly emotional and achy all over, but that seems to have passed. If there's one thing about pregnancy that I have learned, you just have to remember to relax and think to yourself , this too shall pass. At least for me, the uncomfortable symptoms have only seemed to last for a week or so, and then it's on to something different--which is so manageable. Like, at least they aren't all snowballing on each other, eh?

Baby shower last weekend in Reno was so wonderful. The whole trip was amazing actually. I had two nine hour dates in the truck with my husband...which was fun, and I got to see everyone I love and miss--even Marley got to reconnect with her best buddy Stella. There were close to 30 people at the shower, and it consisted of family, old friends, and former clients. My little students have grown up so much this last year! It was terrific seeing them. I was literally overwhelmed by everyone's love and generosity. Thank you so much to all who came. I loved every minute of that trip, my favorite part though was putting my niece Audrey and my nephew Greyson to bed. It just got me so excited to have a little guy of my own to take care of.

As the weeks count down I am trying really hard to give Don extra love and attention, as I know we will be a little distracted right after Owen arrives. Please pray for us, that God would unite us more than ever and prepare our hearts for our new son.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're saving all these blog messages so Owen can see them when he's old enough to appreciate how loved and anticipated he is.
